Friday, February 24, 2012

Taking Pictures

We had the most beautiful weather yesterday. The majority of the day was 79 degrees and cloudy, with a pleasant breeze blowing. So I spent a good part of the afternoon outside with my mom and brother, a few guests, and the cat and dog.

Meet Sunni. He was an abused runaway cat that my brother noticed on the property years ago (he was like 4 or 5). My mom started leaving a little bit of food out for this mangy, skinny cat, so he stuck around. Eventually he became very approachable and integrated himself into the household. Now he is a complete part of the household, complete with shots and (hated!) visits to the vet. He’s a spitfire, though and will bite or claw you if he feels you are out of line, as he likes to be the one in charge.

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Now here’s Tebow. Tebow was adopted from the pound (my mom asked them to contact her if they ever got a golden retriever, and they did almost immediately), but he has health problems, so we are trying to get him healthy again. He is the sweetest dog, though he does smell… Haha.

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Tebow and Sunni get along great, except when my brother gets in the middle, then Sunni gets mad. (No people or animals were hurt during this shoot!)

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I had a nice afternoon taking pictures of the boys and the animals. I just got my DSLR camera for Christmas, and I’m still learning how to make pretty pictures. Here are some of the ones I took.

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I think they came out pretty nice, but I’m kind of (read: completely) an amateur, so who knows.

In other news, my mom scratched herself on a rusty wire yesterday hard enough to draw blood, so she called the doctor to ask if she had outgrown her need for a tetnis shot. She’s so silly. Of course, the doctor said no, and she had to go get one today. She is a trip, and has made a big fuss out of a shot, because she’s not a fan of needles. Happy Birthday, to her right?! Lol.

Well, I’m off for the day. Tomorrow we’re going out for a girl’s day, so that should be fun! Have a great weekend everybody!


  1. Love the golden retriever named Tebow! My family always had golden retrievers growing up and I think they are the best dogs ever!


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