I've missed my bloggy friends, and yes, this means I haven't been reading... But I've been super busy trying to be as permanently attached to my boyfriend as possible. :)
Shane got into town about 3pm on Monday, and I almost broke his legs attacking the poor boy.
Monday we went into town (remember I live wayyyy out in the boonies!) for dinner. We went to this Chinese/Japanese buffet place that looked totally ghetto. But the food was AMAZING. Seriously. I turned down fro-yo afterwards because I was LITERALLY that full. I was shocked. I never turn down dessert!
Afterwards we decided to go to the bestie's since everyone at my house would be passed out by then, and my best friend is nocturnal. :) Had a blast. My boyfriend disappeared with my godbaby (she is OBSESSED with Shane, BTW.) into the garage and would reappear every so often to fill up a bubble container with dish soap and water. (My little angel-face has a habit of pouring bubble solution right onto the floor. Haha.)
On Tuesdays I don't have to be at work until 2pm, so Shane and I set out to find food and buy him a bike! Woohoo!
He was thinking mountain bikes, but he eventually chose the bike that matches mine (but men's version, obviously!). I think my pouting may have had something to do with it.... Haha. He did firmly declare he would have to replace the seat. Ok Deal. :)
Tuesday night we went to my friend's for dinner. He and his wife were having some people over for a BBQ, and it was super fun.
I never miss a chance to dress up. Was everyone else in jeans and t-shirts? Yes ma'am. Do I care? Nope. :)

My boy and his 3 week beard. He takes full advantage of leave periods! :)
Kissy faces in the sun. Life is so good. :)
We got to my buddy's house and the boys immediately set down to kill some zombies. I know most girls would be put off by this.... But hey. I'm an XBOX nerd, so I get it. :)
I had this same look on my face later on in the night when I was killing some Locusts in Gears of War 2.... I can't judge. :)
Wednesday night we met up with Izzy and her husband for a bike ride double date. :) Shane got to put his new seat to work... but first, he had to put it on!
So while we were waiting, obviously Izzy and I needed to have a mini photo-op. She loves pictures as much as me. She should blog....
Izzy and her hubs, Greg!
Our matching bikes! Woohoo!
And we're off! I was so excited!
Haha, goofing off. :)
I love this bike trail so much. Shane knows a path we can ride in NC, but I hope we can find a trail like this one. <3
We took a break at the half-way point, which is right after 5.5 miles. I was feeling it, too. Lol.
We had sooooo much fun. :) But, we still had to go back to my house, pack up the car, and then head BACK into town to Ellie's to spend the night. We decided to stay at El's because it's closer to I-95, and I really wanted Shane to meet my friend Mikey Fox.
Shane shaved his beard, which was sad and happy at the same time. I mean, I loved the beard, but it's definitely more of a "fun" thing, than my man's "usual" look. So it was nice to have the clean shaven face back. :)
I'll leave it at that for now. Later today or tomorrow, I'll post about the trip, and being in our apartment in Jacksonville {NC}. Love y'all!!!
BOO gators!!!!! Love your and shanes matching bikes. Where did he get his?
ReplyDeletelook like ya'll had fun sorry i missed shane =(
ReplyDeleteYou guys are so cute together. i love the bikes. I also love that you point blank said you weren't reading blogs. A lot of bloggers are afraid to directly say that are not always having time to read which is silly because we do have real lives too.
ReplyDelete2nd nole to comment on this post...
ReplyDeleteBOOO GATORS!!!!! =) Love ya girly! so stoked I got to meet BOTH of you today!!!! we can be workout buddies but you can't wear that shirt. ever. =)
Aww you guys look so cute & happy together! I hope things continue to go well for you both! I love all the pictures. Your blonde hair looks so good!
ReplyDeleteMy husband & I have been riding our bikes a lot these last few weeks and it's been making us feel like kids again!
i love your matching bikes! i am so upset that my parents lost the basket to my bike! i got it only 2 years ago and it was perfect! thankfully my whining made CL agree to buy me a new one! woohoo!!