Hey y’all!
As I [may have] mentioned previously we took a mini vacation down to DisneyWorld for my goddaughter’s birthday this weekend. She turns 3 on October 2nd, and she wanted to be turned into a princess.
I flew down on Thursday, and we immediately went out to dinner with the whole crew. My angel ran up to me shouting “Katy! Katy!” and made my heart melt with joy. Then she shouted “Go Gators!” and all was right in my world. Such a good girl. She also wanted to sit next to me. I love this little girl so much.

Dinner was super wonderful, with the exception of the service. It was awful, and we even had to complain to the manager. And I never complain about service. It was THAT bad. The server even came up to us to chew us out for speaking with the manager. I’ve never heard of that! I believe she was fired after that. It was a very dramatic dinner!
The next day the kids, Nana, Papa, and myself hit up the Animal Kingdom. The adults MY age slept in. I love my best friend more than 99.9% of the population, but that girl can SLEEP. But there was no way I was going to give up a chance at a free trip to a Disney park! [Ellie’s uncle works at DIsney and gets free tickets. They always join us when they aren’t working, and are a freaking BLAST to hang out with.] Animal Kingdom was pretty neat, but I wouldn’t pay full price for the admission, I’d definitely do the hopper. It was mostly a extravagant zoo, and we’re blessed in Jacksonville to have a WONDERFUL zoo that only costs $20. They are building an Avatar area to open in 2013, though, so I’m sure I’ll like it much more then.
[Me and Akemi. That hair lasted about 20 minutes before it was in a ponytail.]
We only spent the morning there, and then we went back to the condo to wake the others and eat lunch before heading out to Old Town, which is like a carnival, and where the Sky Coaster is.

[Akemi and Mommy on the carousel.]

[Akemi, the biker chick.]
Next was dinner time, and we had reservations at Capone’s. It’s a dinner theatre show, like Medieval Times, but with a Gangster Prohibition theme. We got there early, and went upstairs to have a few drinks [only Cream Soda for me, since I had to miss the show to pick Shane up from his flight.] and hang out. At which we found these neat stairs. They didn’t do anywhere, but weren’t roped off, so I wanted a photo shoot.
[Me and the bestie.]

[Ellie and Ryan]

[Me, Brandi, Ellie, Ryan, Mikey]

[Me and the kiddos.]
I had to go get Shane form the airport, and that’s when the storm started. So here I am, driving around a town I don’t know, in pouring rain, and lightening striking in the road in front of me. NBD, you know?
So I find this airport, and Shane is waiting, but so is the rest of the airport. They grounded all flights, and wouldn’t allow any baggage off of the plane thanks to to the storm. Luckily, the Orlando airport is huge, and had a Macaroni Grill there for me and my love to eat dinner. I had a delicious scallop spinach salad.
After dinner, we headed back to the condo, and [after getting super lost and having a sort of breakdown!] hung out for a while before bed. Saturday was going to be a long day! I’ll drop off then, and finish the weekend tomorrow.
Needless to say, it was a blast, and I loved it!